Since we are joining we the IAA MOBILITY with the Danish band RKDIA we also want to to showcase Sustainable Events and take the tour to the center of Munich to let the show unfolding in public! Zero Emission 100% Passion
On Friday, the 17th of September we are unfolding @ Eröffnungsfest Goldschlagstraße, hosted by Sargfabrik. Looking forward to have Der Trafikant und Part of Coffins on our VeloStage! fotocredit: Dor Eli Harel
We are very happy to be part of the Grätzlfest im Nibelungenviertel (15.) Looking forward to have the following artists on our VeloStage: Onk Lou & Drummer Kid Pex & Gazal Exfeld Clown Pompo fotocredit: Dun Field Three_grätzlfest 2020
Looking forward to the Käfigkonzert on the 23th of September at Esterhazypark! Artists: Dorian Concept & König_ IG: dorian_concept Gazelle & the Bear_ IG: gazelleandthebearmusic