We are very happy to welcome Keke, Wiener Symphoniker and König on our VeloStage @Käfigkonzerte on the 30th of September! keke_offiziell viennasymphony lukas__________koenig
Autumn vibes @Käfigkonzerte 2021 with these great artists on our VeloStage: Laura Winkler, EsRAP, Wiener Symphoniker und Elis Noa! laurawinkler EsRAP viennasymphony elis_noa
We are looking forward to being part of Jazz & The City Salzburg this week! The VeloStage will pop up at various locations — if you want to know who is when performing on which specific site, you should activate the Push Alert function in the festival app! For further information visit Jazz & The […]